Schools Out – Motivational Blog: How many times have you been ‘lectured’ about how important your GCSE’s are? It is probably more times than you can count!
Your whole education leads up to these exams, which you are constantly informed will form the basis of your future. And then the government seemingly casually cancels them!
This decision is the first of its kind – EVER – in history and I’m sure you are wondering how it affects you.
Some of you are ecstatic – you have great grades across the board in all mocks, classroom assessments and your predicted grades were fantastic too.
For some, this situation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. How many of you had low mock results? Who didn’t apply yourself during in-class assessments and now bitterly regret it?
Were you working really hard so that you smashed those final exams and won a place in college?
Well, here’s the good news.
Firstly, rest assured that lots of what you have seen on social media about how you will be graded are probably not true. They will not be based solely on mock results or predicted grades.
The government website explains that grades will be based on a variety of information, including how much progress you would have made if you were in school as normal.
If you’re unhappy with your result, there is the chance to appeal or to take the exam at the earliest opportunity.
This means you have every chance and invaluable extra time to revise and achieve results you have always wanted and needed.
Whichever category you fall in to, there are positives to be found and you have the power to prove your teachers, your parents and yourselves wrong.
We will be back in schools as soon as safely possible – in the meantime, stay safe, stay home. Follow us on all social media platforms to stay entertained and motivated!