How to Avoid Stress and Pressure for a Teenager – Since launching the ‘Online Program’ the feedback has been incredible. However, there is no doubt that teenagers are struggling, especially with lockdown and everything that is going on with Coronavirus.
This situation is causing a huge amount of uncertainty, and when there is uncertainty it can be difficult to focus and plan.
Therefore, our founder Cameron Parker created this video on ‘How to avoid stress and pressure for a teenager’.
Dreams 2 Reality has teamed up with GCSE Pod for this video. It is all about eating the frog first. Completing the hardest and most difficult task first.
Once you eat the frog first the ball has started rolling and the momentum of productivity will increase. Not only will our productivity increase but our confidence will too.
Since sharing this method, the students on the webinars have benefited massively. They said they have more focus; less anxiety and they are feeling more confident about their future.
This is an uncertain time; we don’t necessarily know what is next. We will waste energy focusing on the things we can’t control. Therefore, focusing on being productive, will result in progress.
Guess what? Progress will support our well-being and mental health.
I especially love this message a parent sent to the school:
“Finally got my daughter to sign up. She was buzzing, has written notes on the Webinar and cannot wait for Friday. Such a great motivator especially for a pupil who suffers with anxiety and mental health – thank you”
We will continue to support students across the UK and world in this difficult time. I truly believe together we can achieve more. Our community is growing; it is amazing to see so many young people engage and work on personal development. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us on