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Webinar 4 Parents – Secondary School Online Program – There is no question this is an extremely difficult time for all teenagers across the UK. However, parents are under an extreme amount of pressure too, we recognized there isn’t much support so we wanted to help.

Therefore we created this free Facebook group for parents, ‘Parents of Teens’ –>

We have also started running webinars for parents on Wednesdays and the response has been incredible.

Please see the impact and outcomes below:

“A really useful webinar again today thank you Cameron Parker. So good to know that we are getting some bits right and how to think differently about the bits that are not working so well! I’ve come away from the webinar again feeling motivated to help motivate my sons. Thank you”

“Just a follow up to say thanks for a great session! Unfortunately, I couldn’t access the camera and comments section towards the end but I carried on listening! Therefore I also couldn’t answer your feedback question at the end – it’s a big YES from me…very useful! Will encourage my Yr12 son to join your student sessions…he hasn’t yet & is struggling to get motivated – your advice will help!”

“Great to hear other parents are saying same things”

“My son is always saying ‘ only YOU are doing ….. ‘ this webinar has made me realize this actually the way forward”

“Feel like you backed me up” 

“Would never have thought of this approach – thank you!”

“This is so useful – you’re doing fantastic!!”

“Thank you for your wise words and reassurance!”

“I really found today valuable but got to go now. Looking forward to next Wednesday thank you”

“Thanks for today. It really bought home that there are many struggling with the same issues around homeschooling.”

“Brilliant suggestion to make them look at the consequence of their actions and take responsibility in a roundabout way.”

“Good to also hear other peoples thoughts to know we are not on our own struggling with this”

“Really useful session, has made us think and consider how we approach issues with our son. Thank you.”

“So good to hear what you have to say. Good questions are really good food for thought.”

This will continue, if you want to benefit from what ‘Dreams 2 Reality’ has to offer then email

We can allow access to the parents groups and webinars for parents.

Webinar for Parents – Secondary School Online Program

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